Book directly with us and get 10% discount on selected plains game species!
This year, East Cape Bushveld Hunting is celebrating 10 years of hunting existence! As part of our birthday celebrations, we want to offer you 10% discount on selected plains game species! Book directly with us and get 10% off on selected species! As an added bonus, we'll give you 5% off on your accommodation fee if you book in groups of four and bigger! Pick any of the following 29 species and subspecies; Baboon Blesbuck Common Bushbuck Bushpic Duiker Grey Gemsbuck Giraffe Impala Common Jackal Black Back Kudu Cape Lechwe Lynx Nyala Ostrich Roan Reedbuck Mountain Red Hartebeest Sable Springbuck Black Springbuck White Springbuck Copper Springbuck Common Steenbuck Wildebeest Black Wildebeest Blue Wildebeest Golden Waterbuck Warthog Zebra plains