Wolf, Coyote, Lynx Hunt (2X1) 6 full hunting days. Trapline may be included (season dependent). $.5750USD per person. Group of 4 or more $5,500 per person.
This 2X1 (2 hunters, 1 guide) Predator hunt = $5,750 (USD) per hunter and includes the harvest of each species. The hunt cost does not include your hunting license, species tags, 5% GST tax and shuttle transportation to hunting concession.
Wolf hunting is not easy! With that said “preparation and patience” is the key to success. Be prepared to sit from early morning until dark (8 hours). Hunts are conducted in late January, February, and March. The Wolf mating season starts around the middle of February until the end of March and hunting wolves at this time increases success because wolves are traveling to find mates and the snowpack is high creating a demand for food which brings wolves into our established bait sites. Hunters with finally developed shooting skills, patience, determination, and mental concentration are most likely to have a successful hunt. A baited Wolf hunt is perfect for hunters of all various fitness levels and ages as travel is mostly a snow machine with optional snowshoeing. Lynx can be added on as an incidental harvest until the season end around mid-February and the method used to hunt lynx on a baited wolf hunt is “calling” or on a trapline adventure.
Lynx Hunts are conducted from November December January until February 15th. The hunting method consists of, calling or looking for lynx tracks and running hounds. Hound hunting cannot be combined with Winter Wolf Hunting over baits and is only effective in November and December due to snow depths. Hound hunting is a specific method that requires time and focuses on looking for lynx tracks and focusing on running hounds. Hound hunting lynx requires hunters to be in the good physical condition as lynx tend to “jump tree” and hunters need to get to the tree as soon as possible. Wolf can be added on to a Hound hunt for Lynx as an incidental harvest just as lynx can be added on to a baited Wolf Hunt.
Trapline Trips are included in Winter Wolf Hunts or Lynx Hound Hunts and consist of checking traps throughout the trapline. While checking the traps opportunities for hunters to harvest Wolf or Lynx can present themselves. During the trapline trip if a fur-bearing animal is caught one of the following animals is included in the trapline trip, beaver, pine martin, ermine, weasel, and red squirrel. Additional furbearer pelts that are caught can be purchased.
Access throughout the area is by 4x4 trucks and snowmobiles. Accommodations are remote camps throughout our area. The camps consist of small cabins or smaller trapper-style cabins that are heated with wood stoves. In some areas, we use Pop Up Blinds and Elevated Blinds with heaters. Hunters must be willing to be out in the cold every day and have the right clothing for the weather. We recommend having two sets of winter clothing since you will be getting wet and temperatures will consistently be below 0 Celsius.